New article “Lost in translation: A framework for analysing complexity…” published.

Written by Nikulina, V., Larson Lindal, J., Baumann, H., Simon, D., & Ny, H, and published in “Futures” (2019) with the full name “Lost in translation: A framework for analysing complexity of co-production settings in relation to epistemic communities, linguistic diversities and culture”. The article presented a framework for analysing complexity within urban planning by integrating three significant factors of contemporary diversity challenges: varying epistemology, linguistic diversity and multiculturalism. These three factors play major roles when present in dialogue and need to be approached to create the best conditions for moving forward with the issues that such dialogues are supposed to manage. The framework is aimed at the process leaders, mostly facilitators of workshops or co-production processes. It was found that, while being skilled in mitigating conflicting interests and ideas between participants, facilitators need further developed techniques for dealing with wider multiple challenges of diversity within groups.

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By | 2019-08-22T06:53:41+00:00 August 21st, 2019|News|0 Comments

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