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May 15th, 2020|

A paper has been accepted to the WSCG 2020, 28th International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision. The paper is titled: “Pose and Visual Attention: Exploring the Effects of 3D [...]


March 18th, 2020|

Due to COVID-19 concerns, this year’s edition of the IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (IEEE VR) has been moved to on online event (see http://ieeevr.org/2020/). This activity is also part of [...]


March 1st, 2020|

Professor Markus Fiedler has been invited as keynote speaker at the at IEEE 3rd International Conference on Advancements in Computational Sciences (ICACS) held in Lahore, Pakistan, February 2020, on the topic “Chasing Milliseconds – On [...]

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Partner Testimonials

We are today in a new era where both enhanced and virtual reality are used to improve the way we communicate with each other. The applications for this kind of applications and systems will therefore be broad.

Mats Waltré (Programme Manager), KK Foundation

We need to work close with the university and a number of other industry partners to meet the competition. The goal is to benefit from the project in the development of our product. Enhanced reality, virtual reality and mixed reality are absolutely paramount when we see what needs our customers have, from industry to retail.

Per-Ola Carlsson (CEO), WIP

Ericsson has great interest in visual and interactive systems, which will be used over 5G networks in the future. ViaTecH is highly relevant to Ericsson, especially experienced quality for new visual and interactive systems and how the network affects quality.

Jörgen Gustafsson (Research Manager), Ericsson Research

Combining eye tracking with VR grows as a research method, and the demand for the technology is constantly increasing from academy and industry. As a supplier of tools for studying human behaviour, it becomes obvious to collaborate with the university. ViaTecH gives us the opportunity to deepen the knowledge of how eye tracking can be used to understand behaviours and visual experience in virtual reality.

Tom Englund (President), Tobii Pro

Axis main interest in the research project concerns subjective assessment of image and video quality as well as scene understanding, that is to say, to automatically provide the ability to customise the video stream to make it as useful as possible for different purposes.

Johan Paulsson (CTO), Axis