News 2024-04-19T15:22:16+00:00


Vishnu Manasa Devagiri’s Public Defence ’s Public Defence of a Doctoral Thesis “Mining Evolving and Heterogenous Data: Cluster-based Analysis Techniques”

Tomorrow, May 22nd, at 09:00, Vishnu Manasa Devagiri is defending his PhD thesis “Mining Evolving and Heterogenous Data: Cluster-based Analysis Techniques” in the Department of Computer Science (DIDA) at BTH in J1630, Campus Karlskrona.

Examiner and main supervisor: Prof. Veselka Boeva, BTH, Supervisor: Prof. Niklas Lavesson

Opponent: Assoc. Prof. Shehroz Khan, KITE, Toronto Rehabilitation Institute, Canada, Members of the grading committee: Assoc. Prof. Sindri Magnusson, Stockholm University, Sverige, Prof. Ivan Koychev, Sofia University, Bulgaria, Assoc. Prof. Farhana Zulkernine, Queen’s University, Canada, Substitute: Assoc. Prof. Deepika Badampudi, BTH

The thesis and abstract available at:

May 21st, 2024|Outreach|

Ahmed Al-Saedi’s Public Defence of a Doctoral Thesis “Resource-Aware and Personalized Federated Learning via Clustering Analysis”

Today, May 17th, at 10:00, Ahmed Al-Saedi is defending his PhD thesis “Resource-Aware and Personalized Federated Learning via Clustering Analysis” in the Department of Computer Science (DIDA) at BTH in C413A, Campus Karlskrona.

Examiner and main supervisor: Prof. Veselka Boeva, BTH, Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Emiliano Casalicchio

Opponent: Prof. György Dán, KTH, Members of the grading committee: Prof. Volker Markl, Technische Universität Berlin, Germany, Assoc. Prof. Eva Cernadas Garcia, University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain, Prof. Paul Davidsson, Malmö University, Substitute: Prof. Mats Pettersson, BTH

The thesis and abstract available at:

May 17th, 2024|Outreach|

Research seminar on Monday, the 20th of May at BTH – Gräsvik (room J1630), with Canadian researchers Assoc. Prof. Shehroz Khan and Assoc. Prof. Farhana Zulkernine

Two Canadian researchers will have a short visit at the BTH and will present their research related to AI use in healthcare in a research seminar organized by HINTS on May 20, 2024.  Information about the seminar agenda and summaries of the researchers’ talks are given below.

Talk Title: Artificial Intelligence in the Wild – Dementia and Community Care.

Bio. Dr. Shehroz Khan is a Scientist at the KITE,  University Health Network, Canada and an Assistant Professor at the Institute of Biomedical Engineering, University of Toronto, Canada. Dr. Khan’s main research focus is the development of machine learning and deep learning algorithms within the realms of Aging, Rehabilitation and Intelligent Assisted Living. He has published 91 academic papers in top international journals and conference that have garnered around 4400 citations on Google scholar.

Title: Triage-Bot: Advancing Health Care with AI-powered Bots

Bio: Dr. Farhana Zulkernine is an Associate Professor and the Director of the Big-data Analytics and Management (BAM) laboratory at the School of Computing, Queen’s University. She is also the Coordinator of the Cognitive Science Program. She holds a Ph.D. degree from the School of Computing at Queen’s University. Her research focuses on developing artificial intelligence and cognitive computing models and integrating the same in big data analytics and management frameworks to address real life problems in medical, law, science, and social data domains. She has more than 15 years of international work experience in three continents. Dr. Zulkernine is a certified member of the Professional Engineers Ontario, has been a member of multiple international conference program committees, and Scientific Advisory Committees. Her research has been funded by industry partners such as Pfizer, Roche, Thales Group, IBM, CUTRIC, CA Technologies, Calian, Gnowit and Markitech and funding agencies such as NSERC, MITACS, CFI, Southern Ontario Smart Computing Innovation Platform (SOSCIP), Canadian Institute for Military and Veteran Health Research (CIMVHR), Canadian Urban Transit Research and Innovation Consortium (CUTRIC), and Compute Canada. Dr. Zulkernine has more than 150 research publications in top conferences and journals, and has served on multiple conference, funding, and research committees.

May 15th, 2024|Invited Talks, News|

Press Contacts

Veronica Sundstedt, Project Leader
Valeria Garro, Website Content
Anna Zieris, HINTS Administrator

For additional project information, please contact: