We have received news about an accepted paper to IEEE MetroXRAINE 2024! More information to follow...
We have received news about an accepted paper to IEEE MetroXRAINE 2024! More information to follow...
We have received news about an accepted paper to EAI PervasiveHealth 2024 with our external partner Virotea! More information to follow...
Today, HINTS hosted a visit from school pupils in the Human-Centered Intelligent Realities Laboratory. Teknikveckan (Technology Week) is an event in which Karlskrona Municipality employs 30 holiday working young people from 9th grade and first year of high school who during Technology Week to do one day at five different workplaces in Karlskrona, including one [...]
The Dutch ambassador Bengt van Loosdrecht visited Blekinge on May 30 with Region Blekinge as host (Catharina Rosenquist at Business Blekinge). HINTS researchers demonstrated the Human-Centered Intelligent Realities Laboratory. Demos were presented on augmented reality (AR) in digital cultural heritage and virtual reality (VR) demos for healthcare education in an ongoing collaboration in HINTS with [...]
HINTS researchers Milena Angelova, Veselka Boeva and Shahrooz Abghari receive the Springer Best Paper Award at the IEEE EAIS 2024 conference in Madrid for their paper: M. Angelova, V. Boeva, S. Abghari. EdgeCluster: A Resource-Aware Evolving Clustering for Streaming Data. IEEE International Conference on Evolving and Adaptive Intelligent Systems, IEEE EAIS 2024 (23–24 May 2024, [...]
Tomorrow, May 22nd, at 09:00, Vishnu Manasa Devagiri is defending his PhD thesis "Mining Evolving and Heterogenous Data: Cluster-based Analysis Techniques" in the Department of Computer Science (DIDA) at BTH in J1630, Campus Karlskrona. Examiner and main supervisor: Prof. Veselka Boeva, BTH, Supervisor: Prof. Niklas Lavesson Opponent: Assoc. Prof. Shehroz Khan, KITE, Toronto Rehabilitation Institute, Canada, Members [...]
Today, HINTS hosted a visit from Ericsson Karlskrona in the Human-Centered Intelligent Realities Laboratory. Demos were presented on augmented reality (AR) in digital cultural heritage and virtual reality (VR) demos for healthcare education in an ongoing collaboration in HINTS with our external partner Virotea.
Today, May 17th, at 10:00, Ahmed Al-Saedi is defending his PhD thesis "Resource-Aware and Personalized Federated Learning via Clustering Analysis" in the Department of Computer Science (DIDA) at BTH in C413A, Campus Karlskrona. Examiner and main supervisor: Prof. Veselka Boeva, BTH, Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Emiliano Casalicchio Opponent: Prof. György Dán, KTH, Members of the grading committee: Prof. Volker Markl, [...]
Today, Vice Chancellor Mats Viberg hosted a visit for a network of director generals in Sweden in the Human-Centered Intelligent Realities Laboratory. Demos were presented on augmented reality (AR) in digital cultural heritage and virtual reality (VR) demos for healthcare education in an ongoing collaboration in HINTS with our external partner Virotea.
HINTS researchers Veronica Sundstedt and Yan Hu are participating in this year's Science Festival in Gothenburg, which takes place April 15-26. On April 17, they will show a demo application that uses extended reality technology in healthcare. This workshop is being held in collaboration with our external partner, Virotea. Time: April 17, 2024 (full day) [...]