Press and media
Professor Niklas Lavesson discusses technology and digitalisation in 2017 with Patrik Franke and Linn Elmstedt
Patrik Franke and Linn Elmstedt interviewd Professor Niklas Lavesson in their show on Radio P4. Read and listen here (in Swedish)
2017-01-01 (in Swedish)
In the future there may not be a need for neither taxi drivers, bus drivers nor pilots, says professor Niklas Lavesson. The technological development means that the machines’ intelligence can begin to compete with the human intelligence. How we handle this is something that we need to discuss now and it is to some extent a concern, according to Professor Lavesson.
Read and watch here (in Swedish)
TEMA DIGITALISERING De flesta svenska företag är i en omställningsfas där det är mycket trial and error. För att digitaliseringen ska ta fart tror Niklas Lavesson vid Blekinge tekniska högskola på ett nära samarbete mellan akademi, näringsliv och samhälle.
Personal & Ledarskap interviewed Niklas Lavesson. Read the article on their website (in Swedish)
För att möta industrins växande efterfrågan på personal som kan utvinna kunskap ur den blixtsnabbt ökande mängden av komplex data, startar BTH, Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, Sveriges första civilingenjörsprogram inom området data science.
Read the article in Verkstäderna (in Swedish)
2015-02-06 – Kroppen och datorn allt mer lika
Djur och människors kroppar har i alla tider lagrat, transporterat och processat information, och många forskare tror att de biologiska processerna kan bli långt mer effektiva än de digitala, om de lyckas återskapa dem i realistiska scenarier.
IDG TECH World interviewed Niklas Lavesson you can read it here (in Swedish)
2015-03-18 – Framtidens datalagring – 3 innovationer som kan ta över
Allt fler blir övertygade om den magnetiska hårddiskens död. Trots att kapaciteten har ökat två miljoner gånger sedan 1956 har tekniken sett nästan likadan ut. Här är tre alternativ för framtiden.
IDG TECH World interviewed Håkan Grahn you can read it here (in Swedish)
2015-05-27 – Maskiner lär sig allt lättare – och det gäller inte bara kattbilder
Datorerna lär sig snabbt. Datorn är smartare än du. Datorerna tar ditt jobb. Datorerna tar över världen. Nej, riktigt så enkelt är det inte, inte ännu i varje fall. TechWorld utreder.
IDG TECH World interviewed Niklas Lavesson you can read it here (in Swedish)
2016-04-29 – Interview regarding the new Master of science in engineering programme in data science
Niklas Lavesson was interviewed in Förmiddag i P4 regarding the new Master of science in engineering programme in data science.
The interview starts at 2:04:16 and is in Swedish
Förmiddag i P4 Blekinge Med Patrik Franke och Linn Elmstedt –
Big data in focus for researchers and industry
During two days around 30 researchers and seven companies have met to discuss research in big data, future challenges and collaborations. “Big data” is an [...]
Combatting retail fraud using a simulator
Every year the retail industry lose billions of dollars to fraud in the US alone. To complicate the matter research in the field has been [...]
Potential research projects arrive together with visiting professor Veselka Boeva
Bulgarian Guest Professor Veselka Boeva arrived to Sweden in the beginning of May to spend two months working as a guest professor at BTH. Shortly [...]
BigData@BTH:s annual financial report approved
The annual financial report sent to the Knowledge foundation in March has now been approved. The subprojects are developing well and have already resulted in [...]
BTH launches Sweden’s first Master of Science in engineering programme in Data Science
The amount of data produced and collected in recent years has increased rapidly. More and more companies use sensors in their consumer products to collect [...]
Hashtag users get more followers on twitter
Results from Eva García Martín’s research show that users tweeting with hashtags have a significantly higher increase in the number of followers than users tweeting [...]
Looking back at 2015
On March 22 the annual financial report for BigData@BTH was sent to the Knowledge Foundation. It shows that the profile has developed well in this [...]
Presenting a paper and establishing connections in Utah
Florian Westphal recently participated in the Family History Technology Workshop (FHTW) in Provo, Utah, where he presented his work on preprocessing historical documents. While in [...]
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